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lunedì 18 aprile 2011

The Plight of Women in Italy

University of Notre Dame
Italian Studies at Notre Dame presents

The Plight of Women in Italy

Marina Calloni
Professor University of Milano-Bicocca and Italian Fulbright, University of Notre Dame

Wednesday April 27, 4:30 pm
Special Collections Hesburgh Library

The lecture will be followed by ascreening of the theatrical piece “Libere”, written by Cristina Comencini, directed by Francesca Comencini, starring Isabella Ragonese and Lunetta Savino, produced by the Association “Di Nuovo”, translated by Rosi Braidotti.


Africana Studies
College of Arts and Letters
Department of Romance Languages
Gender Studies PhD in Literature
Nanovic Institute for European Studies

Contact 574.631.6886

All Roads Still Lead to Italy...

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